Hello guys. Today lets start share data and files by using Ethernet cable (cross over) step by step i hope you are going to do it if you already look up on my previously articles. Let's start
1. Go to your desk top home page then find icon of Network
like this or open file explorer then on left
of your computer under your
Computer you will see it. To ensure that it work
2. Then Go to your storage and find what folder or files you
want to share but make sure that even if is one file like
picture/video/software you must create a folder and put that files in that
folder then you may do like this on three steps
3. Open Network and you will be able to see the connected computers . Make sure all computer are shown up your computer name and that of another computer
4.Go to the computer you share data with and open that computer you will be able to see that
folder ready to be shared then you right click and go copy and paste to your pc
by following this steps
I hope it will works 100% if you have any comment or question just ask me. But please its better if you look on my previously articles concerns this issue
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