Friday, February 10, 2017


 Hello today I'm going to explain on how you can connect the Ethernet cable and use it in transfer data from one computer to another by steps
1.       You need to have two computers which you want to use it in transfer those data it can be laptop with desktop or vice versa
2.       You need to have Ethernet cable which is real working. You might ask yourself how can I know that its work? the simple way to identify if it works is that when you connect it automatically it will start brick color to the place where you put that cable
3.       After you connect that cable you need to set up  the settings
                                                        i.            You need to go to the Notification bar find the network notify bar right click and choose the Open Network  and  Sharing center 
                                                      ii.            You will see the Network identification named Ethernet for window 8 or window 10 or Local Network for window 7 click to the Ethernet or local network

                                                    iii.            Click on Ethernet go to properties  then find the  IPV 4 click and then go to properties

 iv. Then do like this select as shown bellow and type the number as i do then after do that place Ok
And to the another computer follow the all above procedure but to this you will have to change the final number instead of 1 type 2

 v.Then to each computer go to Open network and sharing center do as shown in step number (ii) and go to  Change advance sharing setting 

Turn on network discover turn on file and printer sharing turn on sharing so anyone can share with you, Enable file sharing for devices use 40- or 56 bit encryption Then turn of password then save the settings.
vi. After doing that you must go to control panel then find system and security go to system then find Allow remote access (allow remote connection to this computer) then Place Apply  then Ok
vii. Then go to Network and you will see devices
The next articles i will explain how you can start sharing data using Ethernet cable


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