Sunday, October 29, 2017


Hello guys, today lets talk about how to install Kali Linux in your PC which is already running Window 10.After i have told you requirements on install Kali Linux today lets do this installation. By following this steps on after another:
Make sure you are already make your Kali Linux boot-able on flash drive or cd

  1. Go to disk management by click on the This PC icon and right click go to manage you need to create free space(un allocated free space) of 90 GB  or 100GB.
  2. Restart your PC while you are already insert a CD /DVD or USB boot-able drive then immediately before it start up press key for boot menu which keys used are F9/F12.
  3. It will show you boot menu then select USB if you use USB/ select CD-Driver
  4. It will show you Kali installation Options then click on graphical installation
  5. Then choose language English then choose territory /location such as  United States then key map/keyboard choose America English
  6. On network configuration after complete it will show "Network auto configuration failed" press continue Then do not configure the network at this time
  7. Host name you may use default host you will see Kali and press continue
  8. Then type root password into first and re-enter password as you type on first box then press continue
  9.  Partition method choose Manual
  10. Then choose the free space you created it will be label as FREE SPACE
  11. Then how to use this partition select automatically partition the free space then click continue
  12. Under partition scheme select separate  /home, /var, and /tmp partition
  13. Then scroll down and choose finish partitioning and write changes to disk it will start install the system
  14. Select write changes to disks  choose Yes then continue
  15. Use a network  select No then continue
  16. It will install GRUB boot loader 
  17. Install GRUB boot loader to the master boot loader select Yes
  18. Install GRUB boot loader on hard disk select /dev/sda it maybe a (sata) type or (ata) make sure you select the first under the list under enter device manual and press continue 
  19. After finishing the installation press continue it will complete and restart 
  20. After restart it will show GRUB boot menu first and second for Kali Linux use and the last is Window 10 so you may select First or Third to enter in Kali Linux or to Enter in Window 10

NB: If you select Kali Linux option under GRUB boot menu your default user name is root and the password which you was create in stage number 8

I hope you enjoyed thanks for visiting my blogger.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Here is the list of candidates who has been allocated with Loan second batch. Second batch has beeen released on Wednesday 25.10.2017 in HESLB site.It is about 11,481 of candidates who has been allocated.  To see the names DOWNLOAD HERE.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Hello guys, if you remember i already old you how you can download Korean series and movies in your smart phone by using APP called Dramanian which is found in their site. Today i have something interested which is that you can start download Korean series and movies plus Thailand and Japanese series and movies in your Computer by using Mozilla Firefox and Internet Download Manager (IDM).

First of all what you need is install Mozilla firefox in your computer then install IDM . After that open your Mozilla browser, IDM extension will detect and it will ask to enable and restart your Mozilla .You need to make Mozilla as default browser by going to Control Panel

  •  Go to the search box on your top right side of your desktop and search "Default" it will show the results then click on set your default programs it will load all the program and list down

  • Under the list of programs click Firefox and go to set this program as default then press Ok

 Then after restart Mozilla go to this link  HERE here you will have many series and movies you can search what series you want click the results name of the movie/series you want and it will direct you on the list of all episodes then you can pass through all episodes which every episodes has 1-3 or 1-5 parts so you can start play each part under a Playlist 2  .Follow the description bellow

  • Go to search box or popular series as shown in figure one search and click to the respective result


  • After click the name of the searched series scroll down you will see the list of episodes then click on the episode you want to download 


  • It will open and you will see three playlist with all parts so scroll down to playlist 2 then click part 1 it will load then click Close&continue 

  • After close & continue the download gadget will appear at top right corner of the played video so click download
Fg 4

  • Then start download
You will need to download all parts 1-4 with the same procedures then one episode to another follow the same procedures. I hope you will enjoy and thanks for visiting my Blogger.
Don't forget to share to your friends.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Hello guys, today we are going to discuss requirements to install Kali Linux along Window 10. Kali
Linux is one among of Linux as operating system which can be used in computer. Other Linux  similar to Kali is such as backtrack 5.

Using Linux is very important due to some basic features of Linux such as Linux is free from virus it does not affected by virus also it is non commercial it does not require payment to buy its source or its system programs.There are basic specification requirement for installation of Kali Linux which are:

  • A minimum hard disk driver space 20 GB
  • RAM at least 1 GB for i386 and amd 64 Kali linux
  • CD-Rom driver or USB port for boot 
Apart from the above listed also for our case we need these:
  • Laptop or Desktop 
  • Installed Window 10 operating system you must install window firstly, make sure window is already installed in your computer.
  • Download Kali Linux DOWNLOAD KALI LINUX
  • Make a boo-table USB driver Linux USB live/ dvd with burned Kali Linux
  • Create 80 GB up to 100 GB hard disk free space and do not allocate it . It must be un allocated free space just leave it as free unallocated .
So in order to install  Kali Linux along window 10 these are all we need before the process. I hope you enjoy thanks for visiting my blogger see you next time. And next article we will discuss in details how to start install Kali Linux along Window 10.

Friday, October 20, 2017


Hello guys today i have something little and great to discuss. Its all about on how you can see the hidden wi-fi password which you was connected in your PC without being aware of the password used. We will using CMD (command prompt) step by step

  1. Go to the search box and write cmd then over cmd right click and run as administrator
  2. After run it you must type the following code
  • netsh 
  • quit
  • netsh wlan show profiles'

It will show all connected wi-fi network in your computer.
  • netsh wlan show profiles WI-FI name key clear 

For example netsh wlan show profile VFD key=clear
It will show password security type and its password clearly.
NOTE:This is not for the case of hacking/cracking password.
I hope you enjoy see you and thanks for visiting my blog.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Hi there, here is PDF document for the candidates who have allocated with loan first batch you can download in link DOWNLOAD HERE .Congratulations for those who have been allocated with loan in first batch.

For those who have not allocated with first batch i beg you all be patient have faith,hope in God everything is going to be nice to since there other batch will be released latter . 


Hello dear visitors and candidates who were applied loan in HESLB  High Education Student's Loans Board of Tanzania, HESLB has release the names of allocated students year of study 2017/2018 on Wednesday 18/10/2017 . The Executive Director  Abdul-Razaq Badru  has provide the information to public about 10196 students have been allocated with loan on first batch out of 30000 students.

 He has said that other candidates who were applied loan must be patient while the process of admission of students in different Universities completed so other Batch/Batches will be released after accomplish the admission of students.  For more information please visit HESLB . To see you loan status if you have been allocated with loan please click LOAN ALLOCATION STATUS you will provide form four index number example:S1122.2017.2014
Or please login as registered student then click loan allocation 2017/2018 on your left hand side of the sub menu under this site LOG IN HESLB as shown bellow
I hope this information will help you. Wish you all the Best and Good lucky.


Hello! Guys you might ask your self which computer may suit you? ooohh! that's a good question but only if you know what you want with that computer maybe 
  1. what are you going to do with that computer?
  2. What is hobbies or interest in computer?
These two simple question can help you to pick or choose the best computer for your needs. Since the best computer is the one that suit you with all of your needs. Lets look on computer specifications. Computer specifications is the biggest issue that is almost determine the capability/power of your computer. The demands of any buyer / user of computer can consider different things that may seen like are little but in fact they are meaningful in the process of pick a PC of your choice.
We can categorize this PC accordingly to users. 

  • For those Gamer/ multimedia you may need a computer with this specifications
  1. 64 bit operating system type
  2. Support window 7 and above up to window 10
  3. Total graphic memory (GRAPHIC MEMORY AT LEAST 1 GB AND ABOVE/ DEDICATED AMD GRAPHIC MEMORY/ NVIDIA MEMORY 2 GB and above for multi-media)
  4. Processor speed at least 1.9 Ghz and above
  5. Random Access Memory (RAM) at least 4 GB and above with good speed.
  6. High storage capacity HARD DISK DRIVER SPACE 500 GB and above
  7. Monitor size/Screen resolution with High definition HD screen. 
All these specifications are just pre-specifications to be considered so any computer with specification details more than listed above may be better for your choice reminding you i just said "at least" so you can buy a computer with high specifications. To the group of users there are many importance of considering those specifications listed above such as high speed of accessing your PC due to high RAM, short time in video editing production (render) due to RAM,processor speed and graphic memory, high quality display and easy to play the Biggest/3D powerful games for the gamer and easy way to store data due to hard disk drive capacity.
  • For normal users you may need any computer with these specifications
  1. 32/64 bit operating system type
  2. Support window 7 and above up to window 10 others are using window XP which is less secured.
  3. RAM 512 MB and above
  4. Hard disk storage 100GB/250GB and above
I hope guys we are now able to buy the computer for our life/dreams and interest.. See you and enjoy using your PC.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Other universities and colleges are continue on release the admitted candidates on various different category certificates,diploma degree programs.

Mzumbe University has release the names of candidates with multiple selections on other Universities, to see the list click LIST OF CANDIDATES.
Also for University of Iringa has release the names of candidates with information problems click HERE
Those who have been selected to join degree programs  click HERE. And for those who are admitted to join Postgraduate degree click HERE.